Friends of Alex Ybarra
PO Box 175
Quincy, WA 98848
Email: [email protected]
Friends of Alex Ybarra
PO Box 175
Quincy, WA 98848
Civil Rights & Judiciary
Health Care & Wellness
My name is Alex Ybarra, and I am seeking re-election as one of your 13th District state Representatives. A life-long resident of Quincy, my family has deep roots in the community.
I’m a strong conservative, representing Eastern Washington values.
A graduate of Central Washington University, I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and a Master of Business Administration. I’ve worked for Grant County Public Utility District since 2003 and serve as the acting Reliability and Compliance Auditor.
I have served as the president, vice president and legislative representative for the Quincy School Board, first elected in 2011. Before being elected to Washington State School Directors Association board of directors two years ago, I spent two years on the WSSDA Legislative Committee. I have recently garnered statewide support in my election as the vice president of the Washington State School Directors Association.
In addition to my elected experience, I serve on a number of statewide committees and task-forces that will serve our district well, should I continue as your state Representative.
I plan to focus my efforts on several key areas for our district: water access, protecting agriculture, and increased government accountability.
Having worked for a public utility district, I have a deep understanding of challenges facing our communities concerning water and energy. I possess the technical and practical expertise to be a strong voice for solutions in the Legislature on this issue. I do not support schemes that increase energy costs or take up valuable land to promote an agenda. I support common sense approaches to energy and water resource management that will promote economic development in our district.
We must protect our farmland and promote the agricultural industry. To address wildfires, we need better forest management practices, not more regulations on property owners.
As a school board member and leader on education policy, I understand what works and how we can ensure students graduate college or career ready. I will continue advocating for local control over education policies and oppose unfunded mandates from the state.
I am conservative. I will fight for your rights and limited government that puts the interests of citizens first. Our state has a spending problem. Despite more money going to Olympia every year, we never get relief. I will fight to stop out of control spending and push for tax relief.